JLPT WaniKani
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責め (persecution,blame,responsibility)
1: persecution
2: blame
3: responsibility
を (indicates direct object of action)
1: indicates direct object of action
負う (to bear,to carry on one's back)
1: to bear
2: to carry on one's back
After the Oblivion Crisis was over, many felt that magic users were to blame. Elves, to be specific. It created a great deal of tension.
オブリビオンの 動乱どうらん 一段落いちだんらくしたあと 魔法まほう 使つかとくにエルフがめをうべきだとおおくの 人々ひとびとかんじたんだ。これによって 緊張きんちょうたかまった